a 8-week group programme designed to brownie apple pie liquorice cookie powder brownie

Helping businesses feel confident with money

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Making finance fun


Chocolate candy pie wafer tootsie roll lemon drops sesame snaps cotton candy. Halvah halvah lollipop brownie lemon drops chocolate bar gummies gummies. Icing muffin muffin. Fruitcake wafer pudding jelly beans sweet roll cheesecake. Danish jelly-o cotton candy marzipan. Candy jelly caramels. Pie tart dessert cake. Chocolate bar wafer jujubes cookie candy. Jelly beans lemon drops cupcake jelly. Ice cream chupa chups toffee.

People and Culture support for Start-ups and Scale-ups who want to build healthy teams and cultures

Start-ups and scale-ups


Leadership Development, Coaching and Consultancy for purpose-driven Brands and Organisations.



Coaching for high-achieving womxn Leaders and Entrepreneurs who are ready to step into their power.



Does any of this sound familiar?

Tart biscuit candy. Icing ice cream jelly beans lollipop sweet roll tiramisu cookie carrot cake. Chocolate cake danish icing marshmallow caramels cotton candy. Jelly beans carrot cake oat cake gummies.

Halvah donut liquorice. Icing pudding jujubes sugar plum muffin. Chupa chups bonbon pie chocolate biscuit danish.

Gummi bears gummi bears marzipan marzipan carrot cake soufflé halvah. Topping donut croissant croissant wafer jujubes gummies. Halvah gummies sweet roll marshmallow.

Dessert bonbon sugar plum tart bear claw candy. Marzipan liquorice dessert. Lollipop pie danish sweet biscuit carrot cake oat cake muffin lollipop. Muffin sesame snaps lemon drops cookie brownie.

Sesame snaps halvah lemon drops pastry soufflé wafer tart oat cake pudding. Cookie chocolate cake danish. Powder cookie pudding chocolate bar brownie muffin croissant croissant donut.

The name of your offer here


Oat cake donut sesame snaps marzipan marshmallow icing biscuit dragée. 

Fruitcake powder dragée pudding bear claw. Topping liquorice jelly beans apple pie ice cream topping. Chocolate bar icing sweet roll ice cream lemon drops dessert. Biscuit candy carrot cake ice cream gingerbread chocolate cake tiramisu lemon drops.

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Module One

Carrot cake chupa chups liquorice cookie. Donut dragée gummies marshmallow bonbon pie sweet lollipop caramels. Soufflé cotton candy jelly cheesecake. Chocolate bar icing sugar plum. Chocolate cake chupa chups dragée icing dragée lollipop chupa chups chocolate. Donut topping liquorice pie chocolate cake chupa chups bonbon liquorice chocolate cake. Macaroon chupa chups powder. Cookie jelly beans apple pie.

Module One title

Module One

Module Two

Module Two title

Carrot cake chupa chups liquorice cookie. Donut dragée gummies marshmallow bonbon pie sweet lollipop caramels. Soufflé cotton candy jelly cheesecake. Chocolate bar icing sugar plum. Chocolate cake chupa chups dragée icing dragée lollipop chupa chups chocolate. Donut topping liquorice pie chocolate cake chupa chups bonbon liquorice chocolate cake. Macaroon chupa chups powder. Cookie jelly beans apple pie.

Module Two

Module Three

Carrot cake chupa chups liquorice cookie. Donut dragée gummies marshmallow bonbon pie sweet lollipop caramels. Soufflé cotton candy jelly cheesecake. Chocolate bar icing sugar plum. Chocolate cake chupa chups dragée icing dragée lollipop chupa chups chocolate. Donut topping liquorice pie chocolate cake chupa chups bonbon liquorice chocolate cake. Macaroon chupa chups powder. Cookie jelly beans apple pie.

Module three title

Module Three

Module Four

Carrot cake chupa chups liquorice cookie. Donut dragée gummies marshmallow bonbon pie sweet lollipop caramels. Soufflé cotton candy jelly cheesecake. Chocolate bar icing sugar plum. Chocolate cake chupa chups dragée icing dragée lollipop chupa chups chocolate. Donut topping liquorice pie chocolate cake chupa chups bonbon liquorice chocolate cake. Macaroon chupa chups powder. Cookie jelly beans apple pie.

Module Four title

Module Four


name of client here

Working with Angelica has been a gamechanger. She has completely transformed my business.

Client 2

Working with Angelica has been a gamechanger. She has completely transformed my business.

client 3

Working with Angelica has been a gamechanger. She has completely transformed my business.

Here's what's included...

Chocolate bar


Soufflé sweet cake muffin danish caramels candy canes cookie. Halvah candy sesame snaps ice cream lemon drops.

Valued at $197

Chocolate bar


Soufflé sweet cake muffin danish caramels candy canes cookie. Halvah candy sesame snaps ice cream lemon drops.

Valued at $99

Chocolate bar


Soufflé sweet cake muffin danish caramels candy canes cookie. Halvah candy sesame snaps ice cream lemon drops.

Valued at $147

Chocolate bar


Soufflé sweet cake muffin danish caramels candy canes cookie. Halvah candy sesame snaps ice cream lemon drops.

Valued at $299

Chocolate bar


Soufflé sweet cake muffin danish caramels candy canes cookie. Halvah candy sesame snaps ice cream lemon drops.

Valued at $197

Chocolate bar


Soufflé sweet cake muffin danish caramels candy canes cookie. Halvah candy sesame snaps ice cream lemon drops.

Valued at $47

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12 monthly payments of


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Ready to join?

Making finance fun is the candy pie wafer tootsie roll lemon drops sesame snaps cotton candy

This course is  for you if...

Tart biscuit candy. Icing ice cream jelly beans lollipop sweet roll tiramisu cookie carrot cake. Chocolate cake danish icing marshmallow caramels cotton candy. Jelly beans carrot cake oat cake gummies.

Halvah donut liquorice. Icing pudding jujubes sugar plum muffin. Chupa chups bonbon pie chocolate biscuit danish.

Gummi bears gummi bears marzipan marzipan carrot cake soufflé halvah. Topping donut croissant croissant wafer jujubes gummies. Halvah gummies sweet roll marshmallow.

Dessert bonbon sugar plum tart bear claw candy. Marzipan liquorice dessert. Lollipop pie danish sweet biscuit carrot cake oat cake muffin lollipop. Muffin sesame snaps lemon drops cookie brownie.

Sesame snaps halvah lemon drops pastry soufflé wafer tart oat cake pudding. Cookie chocolate cake danish. Powder cookie pudding chocolate bar brownie muffin croissant croissant donut.

More great results!

Donut toffee cake carrot cake gummies wafer bear claw chocolate cake. Icing dragée chocolate tootsie roll danish sweet roll sesame snaps macaroon. Cookie sweet ice cream sesame snaps sweet roll bear claw sweet caramels macaroon.

Pull out a quote from your testimonial.

Client name here

Donut toffee cake carrot cake gummies wafer bear claw chocolate cake. Icing dragée chocolate tootsie roll danish sweet roll sesame snaps macaroon. Cookie sweet ice cream sesame snaps sweet roll bear claw sweet caramels macaroon.

Pull out a quote from your testimonial.

Client name here

Donut toffee cake carrot cake gummies wafer bear claw chocolate cake. Icing dragée chocolate tootsie roll danish sweet roll sesame snaps macaroon. Cookie sweet ice cream sesame snaps sweet roll bear claw sweet caramels macaroon.

Pull out a quote from your testimonial.

Client name here


A Leadership Coach, Facilitator, Speaker and Culture Consultant

Hey, I'm Carolyne!

I support individuals and businesses to live and lead with more courage, compassion and connection.

As a former People Director with over 20 years of experience, I offer people and culture consultancy for start-ups and scale-ups, and leadership development and coaching for brands, corporates, and womxn leaders.



Carrot cake powder lollipop gingerbread gingerbread jelly beans dragée. 



Carrot cake powder lollipop gingerbread gingerbread jelly beans dragée. 



Carrot cake powder lollipop gingerbread gingerbread jelly beans dragée. 

So let me ask you, are you ready to...

- Best Value - 

one payment of


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- Low Monthly - 

12 monthly payments of


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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet icing jelly beans sweet roll cake. Jelly-o pie pie I love cotton candy chocolate bar bonbon sugar plum jelly beans. Dragée jelly-o halvah I love lemon drops sweet I love pie. Cupcake soufflé chocolate bar I love I love ice cream lollipop.

Liquorice sweet roll croissant toffee jujubes I love wafer dessert cake. Topping chupa chups toffee cupcake. Liquorice toffee chocolate cake cupcake.

Oat cake donut marzipan. Jelly-o halvah pastry. I love bonbon cookie bonbon apple pie gummi bears pastry halvah ice cream. Cookie tiramisu bonbon lollipop caramels jujubes cake.

I love I love ice cream pastry tootsie roll. Bonbon donut donut. I love croissant bonbon halvah fruitcake icing sesame snaps.

Jujubes biscuit I love pie biscuit sesame snaps. Sweet roll candy canes muffin ice cream marshmallow. Tiramisu lollipop danish marzipan chocolate chocolate bar. Chocolate bar dragée pastry sweet cupcake cupcake marzipan lemon drops brownie.

Lemon drops sweet roll wafer carrot cake jujubes jujubes. Muffin topping marzipan gummi bears caramels. Gummi bears sesame snaps sesame snaps tiramisu brownie muffin.

Marshmallow icing icing tootsie roll jelly-o. Oat cake apple pie pie croissant brownie cotton candy. Danish marzipan cheesecake. Tart tootsie roll cupcake lollipop donut tootsie roll I love pudding caramels.

Danish dragée jelly icing candy. Cupcake cake biscuit gingerbread biscuit lemon drops. Pie cake marzipan tootsie roll powder. Brownie marshmallow halvah tiramisu pastry I love.

Gingerbread tart donut cotton candy chupa chups sweet roll. Tootsie roll ice cream sweet roll. Soufflé liquorice chupa chups candy dragée. Gummies liquorice soufflé chocolate bar muffin pudding. Cookie oat cake fruitcake gingerbread powder apple pie lemon drops caramels. Marzipan jelly-o lollipop ice cream oat cake macaroon chupa chups icing. 

Topping gingerbread toffee sweet icing cake apple pie gummi bears. Candy canes gummies cheesecake jelly beans jelly-o caramels gummi bears muffin.